professor of International Development, Newcastle University.

Pauline Dixon is a professor of International Development at Newcastle University. She has extensive experience working in Asia and Africa and has delivered keynote speeches and presentations around the world including at Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., University of Connecticut, Brown University, Free Market Foundation of South Africa, Johannesburg, Waterloo Global Science Initiative, and Panama City.
Pauline’s major research interests are the theory of Austrian Economics, spontaneous order in economics, school choice, children’s literacy, giftedness and creativity. She is also involved in research that considers interdisciplinary issues around informal settlements including health, gender, water, sanitation and nutrition.
Pauline gained her PhD in 2003 from Newcastle University and has a First-Class Honours degree from the Open University.
She has just completed being a Co-Investigator on two British Academy funded projects in India and is now the Principal Investigator on a project funded by the Rising Tide Foundation – Identifying Best Practice for Empowerment Through Entrepreneurial Freedom and is co-investigator on a £17 million initiative where she created the Kid’s Action Thru Science (KATS) project and associated research.
Pauline has also presented research findings to government officials in India and Africa and gave a TEDx talk in Glasgow in 2012 on ‘How Private Schools are Serving the Poorest’.