professor emeritus for Philosophy at the Free University Berlin
Gunter Gebauer is the Professor emeritus for Philosophy at the Free University Berlin, a position he has held since 2012, joining the university as a professor in 1978 where he was a member of the interdisciplinary research groups “Performative Cultures” and “Languages of Emotion”. His main areas of research are historical anthropology, social philosophy and language theory.
Gunter has a PhD degree from the Technical University of Berlin (1969) and ‘Habilitation’ in Philosophy at the Technical University of Karlsruhe (1975).
Book publications include:
Wie wird man ein Mensch? (2021).
Vom Sog der Masse und die neue Macht der Einzelnen (2019, with S. Ruecker).
Wittgenstein’s Anthropological Philosophy (2017).
Von der Emotion zur Sprache. Wie wir lernen, über Emotionen zu sprechen (2017, with M. Holodynski, S. Koelsch, Ch. von Scheve).
Das Leben in 90 Minuten. Eine Philosophie des Fußballs (2016).
Mimetische Weltzugänge. Soziales Handeln – Rituale und Spiele – ästhetische Produktionen (2003, with Ch. Wulf).
Habitus (2002, with B. Krais).
Mimesis: Culture – Art – Society (1995 with Ch. Wulf).