Jutta Kramm started her journalistic career in the mid-1980s at the Berlin daily die Tageszeitung, or “taz”. In 1991, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, she was hired by the Berliner Zeitung. The “Berliner” claims to be the only paper with East German roots to have achieved national prominence since Reunification. It remains one of the three main papers in the German capital. Jutta was head of the Berlin desk as well as head of Politics and News. Furthermore, from 2009 to 2017, she was deputy chief editor. After more than 25 years, she left the paper in 2017 to lead the Fact Checking Team at CORRECTIV, a non-profit news organisation based in Berlin and Essen. CORRECTIV achieved international prominence for its role in monitoring and debunking fake news and misinformation before and during the 2017 German election campaign.
In 2018, she took up a post in the communications department at the NGO, Save the Children. Since October 2018, she has been head of communications at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine. The MDC is an internationally renowned institute, devoted to biomedical research with the aim of understanding the molecular basis of health and disease and translating findings as quickly as possible into clinical applications.
Jutta is married and had two kids who are currently studying and working in Bonn and Potsdam.