author and educational consultant
Joe is an author and educational consultant whose books on poetry are used by some of the leading schools in the UK. Unusually, his twenty years of classroom experience has ranged from teaching in the highly selective UK private sector to tutoring in challenging, inner city schools for Teach First. He was director of learning evolution with Digitalbrain, senior educational specialist with RM, the UK’s largest educational business and principal consultant with The Education Development Trust.
He currently works for a range of major commercial and NGO clients as Lead Writer, and as an essayist writes for a wide range of magazines including: The Spectator, The Critic, Areo, Quillette, The Country Squire and Spiked magazines and wrote a fortnightly column for TES for four years. He has authored books on Milton, Donne and Shakespeare; and his most recent book, Teaching English for the Real World, was published by John Catt in May 2020.
You can follow him online @JoeNutt_Author