Associate Professor, Northumbria Law School

Dr. Kyriakos Kotsoglou is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Northumbria University. Prior to this he held academic positions in Lausanne, Switzerland; Liverpool Hope; and Freiburg, Germany. Kyri is a Criminal Evidence and Criminal Law scholar with a special interest for evidence & proof and (analytic) legal theory. He has eight years of teaching experience in higher education in the U.K. and Germany. He has been a Fellow of the HEA since 2018 and is a member of the Lausanne-based interdisciplinary group NORDECS doing research in a variety of areas including in the field of expert witness testimony.
Kyri’s scholarly work has been cited extensively by the most authoritative commentaries on the German Penal Code and Criminal Procedure; and he has been cited and quoted extensively at the Greek Court of Appeal in Athens where his work on DNA-evidence, in a high-profile case, led to the acquittal of a (falsely) convicted appellant.
Kyri is the Programme Leader for the LLM Framework at the Northumbria University School of Law, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Evidence & Criminal Justice Studies at the same Institution. He regularly provides expert advice to law practitioners and companies.
Kyri teaches and publishes in English, German and Greek.
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