former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales; Green peer
Baroness Natalie Bennett was leader of the Green Party of England and Wales from 2012-2016, during which time it won 1.1million votes in the 2015 General Election – more than in every previous general election added together. Natalie became the second Green peer in October 2019.
She was a former journalist on The Times and the Bangkok Post, and editor of the Guardian Weekly. Natalie has an academic background in agricultural science, Asian studies and mass communications, and is a lifelong feminist. She’s a passionate supporter of the universal basic income, working for a food strategy that doesn’t allow multinational companies and supermarkets to decide what we eat, and thinks education should be for life, not just exams.
Natalie sees the need to address the Climate and Nature Emergencies as an opportunity to create a far healthier, happier society.
Follow Natalie on Twitter: @natalieben